Guide Right Service Program
The Guide Right Service Program aims to reduce educational and career disparities for students in grades 7-12 in Baltimore.
Each student receives:
- Access to opportunities for college and career pathways
- Leadership and social-emotional skills development
- Registration and preparation for the SAT (at least 90% of participating seniors)
- A network of support and mentorship throughout their school year and post-secondary educational pursuits
You can support our Guide Right Service Program by clicking the ‘Donate Now’ button and specifying ‘Guide Right Service Program’ in the comments section.

Kappa Youth Leadership Institute
What is the Benchmark Kappa Youth Leadership Institute?
The Benchmark Kappa Youth Leadership Institute is the Baltimore Alumni Chapter’s and its Foundation’s contribution to the Guide Right/Kappa League movement. The initiative seeks to increase the high school retention, graduation and college enrollment and graduation rates of low-income, underrepresented students from Baltimore City. The goal of the program is to foster a sense of achievement while preparing and inspiring first-generation, low-income and academically ambitious minority males from disadvantaged communities to not only meet colleges’ and universities’ admission standards but to matriculate and graduate.
Program Objectives
- Increase the number of low income academically promising students from Baltimore City, who complete high school and apply to and attend post-secondary educational institutions.
- Provide general guidance and support for at risk youth.
- Promote personal and social responsibility among at-risk-youth.
- Encourage participation in service and community activities among at risk students.
Our Students
Our Scholars are comprised of first generation, low income and academically promising middle school minority males who pledge a commitment to five years of programming. These young men are dreamers, leaders and achievers who has expressed interest in and are aspiring careers in Engineering, Education, Medicine, Criminal Justice, Law, Business, and Humanities among many others.
For More Information or to get Connected
Contact: Gary Rahman (202) 270-4279